SaD Rosters 2023
Staffordshire and District Paintball Club announce their 2023 CPPS Rosters There’s still a few gaps to fill, so if your looking at playing CPPS then get in touch with the club via Facebook
SAD’s CPPS Div 2 team
Staffordshire and District Paintball Club announce their 2023 CPPS Rosters There’s still a few gaps to fill, so if your looking at playing CPPS then get in touch with the club via Facebook
After looking at our data over the past few weekends, we began talking about a question that plagues players and teams – does shooting a lot more paint translate into a higher chance of success per point? Let’s investigate! And …
Staffordshire and District Paintball Club Facebook #sadpb2021 #sadpaintball #paintball #growpaintball#anthrax #anthraxpaintball #anthraxelitecore #werulethisgame #planeteclipse #cs2 #bunkerkings #bk #wekillsuckers #valken #whateverittakes #virtue #virtuepaintball #justpaintball #antsignandprint #lluciawoodphotography #ukglobal #go2security #okpb #cpps #cppspaintball #outpostpaintball #fatboypods #npfbassettspole #ukpsf