After looking at our data over the past few weekends, we began talking about a question that plagues players and teams – does shooting a lot more paint translate into a higher chance of success per point? Let’s investigate! And …

More Paint, More Success? Read more »

Special thanks to all of the team at and behind Planet Eclipse, especially Jack Woods, Tom Ormrod, Eddie Littlewood, Alan Woods and, of course, Antony Leadbetter. Staffordshire and District Paintball Club now have a unique marker, not any marker, but …

SaD Recive First Planet Eclipse CS2 Pro Club Edition Markers Read more »

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Staffordshire and District Paintball Club Facebook #sadpb2021 #sadpaintball #paintball #growpaintball#anthrax #anthraxpaintball #anthraxelitecore #werulethisgame #planeteclipse #cs2 #bunkerkings #bk #wekillsuckers #valken #whateverittakes #virtue #virtuepaintball #justpaintball #antsignandprint #lluciawoodphotography #ukglobal #go2security #okpb #cpps #cppspaintball #outpostpaintball #fatboypods #npfbassettspole #ukpsf